Friday 13 April 2012

Friday bits and bobs ....

The rest of the week in numbers!

Number 1 - how many projects should you have on the go?

Mr B really doesn't get the whole making things/crafting life.  He believes in order, not chaos, in his life!  If I have a project on the go he thinks I should complete it before moving on to the next thing.  In an ideal world, I would agree with him.  But in my real world I get bored and distracted far too easily.  I am like a magpie - I like collecting pretty things that might one day come in useful. 

So I have two projects on the go (I don't think that is excessive, do you?)

Project A

I have two squares on the go in this project at the moment.  I am knitting 20cm x 20cm squares in various stitches to make a sofa blanket.  There is such a long way to go with this project -  I have 3 completed squares and two more works in progress!!  Sorry the colours are not very clear in these photos but I would say they are stone and very earthy green combinations.

Project B

I am enjoying this project so much, but it is difficult to sew at night when the light is starting to fade.

and that's it!!  Surely this can't be classed as 'too many'?

Number 2 - Bedtime reading

Recently I bought a lovely book about the story of education and schools in my village from 1553 to the present day (1920!!).  It is a wonderful book.  I now understand that many of the street names in the village are called after teachers at the school.  One street in particular is named after a popular Head, Mr Towning.  Apparantly his ideal was to see the school as a family.  His aim was to know each child and to give responsibilities and opportunities for initiative.   His motto was "Manners maketh man," and he was equally concerned with the a child's moral values as well as arithmetic.

What I particularly love though was his belief "aim at the stars - one never reaches them, but soars higher than the tree tops".  refreshingly he didn't believe in using the cane but used it as an ornament in his office.  I think I would have enjoyed meeting this man.

Alarmingly it is reported that in 1884 a unique punishment was given to a young girl  - she  was locked in a coal hole for punishment!  After her parents complained, it was recorded that the teacher was considered to have done no wrong but in future she was to abstain from locking up any child!!

Number 3 - Great British Sew Off!

Have you heard that 'Love Productions', makers of The Great British Bake Off, have been commissioned to produce a new programme and the search is on to find a great British sewing enthusiast.  They are looking for amateurs to take part
"From skirts to shirts, blinds to bags, if you're at home behind a sewing manchine and a dab hand with a needle and thread we'd love to hear from you"

So lovely people, what are you waiting for - I would love to see you on TV! 

Number 4 - have you seen this blog post?

As you know, I am very new to blogging, but already I am addicted.  I found this lovely blog recently little birdie.  The post this week that really meant a lot to me was called Inspiration.  I am sure many of you will identify with this post - I know I do. 

Number 5 - look what I just received in the post!

I am so excited !!  I love Helen's blog Helen Philips

Do you think it is ok to start on project number 3?!!

take care
Lorraine xx


  1. Three projects is nothing. I too finished a project this morning and will blog about it as soon as I stop reading other people's blogs. In fact does a blog count as a craft project. Think it might! x

    1. I love your finished product karen. The colours of your blanket are beautiful. i wish a blog would count as a project - it could be a full-time job for me! Not sure how I will cope with blogging and returning to work tomorrow!!xx

  2. I think you should have five projects on the go at the very least. :)
    Anne xx

    1. Thank you Anne - I'm off to buy project number 3!! xx

  3. Dear Lorraine,

    I love those cross stitch colourful houses. I admire my husband's patience; due to a shortage of space a lot of my WIP projects are lying in bags on the ironing board which makes his job of ironing his shirts a little bit harder ;-)

    Mademoiselle Primavera was absolutely delighted when I told her a lady called Lorraine from "Four Happy Bunnies" wished to owne her! If you are interested in purchasing her I can find out in the next few days if she has been sold or not. Would thirty pounds (including postage) be suitable for you, Lorraine? She is about 16" tall and made with French fabrics and lace. I wanted to write you an e-mail instead but I couldn't find a mail address. I hope you don't mind!

    Have a beautiful weekend,


    1. Hld love to buy Stephanie. Sorry for the late reply. What a great use for an ironing board!
      I would love to buy the gorgeous Mademoiselle if she is still available. Speak soon. Lorraine xx

  4. Three is fine! It's always good to have a few on the go - then, when you fancy doing a bit of crafting, you can pick up whichever one to fancy at that moment. :-)
    VERY excited about the prospect of a sewing programme on the telly!!!

    1. Yes me too - I loved The Great British Bake Off xx

  5. Thank you for the lovely mention! I'm so glad it's inspired you. Have a great weekend. x

  6. Two projects on the go is just fine! Or even three....they all hve their place for making at different times, I think, depending as you say on things like the light, or portability. I got quite a surprise when I discovered the picture of one of my books there....thank you so much for linking to me.
    Have a lovely weekend, and enjoy your crafting.
    Helen x

    1. Hello Helen. I have decided to go for three projects!! I have started stitching 'Welcome to our house' sampler. I love it - the colours are wonderful xx

  7. Hello Lorraine...I always have several projects on the go and fly from one to another depending on my mood!
    Ooh, I love your projects...your stitching is so beautiful!
    Hope you have a lovely weekend,
    Susan x

    1. Hi Susan. I hope you are having a lovely weekend? We are having a mixture of sunshine and showers - typical April weather!
      I decided to start a new project from Helen's book. The makes in there are truly gorgeous xx

  8. Ooh, good post filled with good things! Your cross stitch is beautiful. I know what you mean about the light though, but i only get time to do mine in the evenings. You can never have too many projects on the go. I have three actual ones and about ten in my head. xx

    1. Oh Gillian this made me laugh! Only ten in your head? Mine is full of different projects, which is probably why I never get anything done and I am so forgetful!! xx

  9. Yes - start as many as you like ... it's no good carrying on with something if your heart's not in it, you won't do it well. Go back to it later when you feel refreshed about it. I love project number two though - you must finish that one! XCathy

    1. Hello Cathy. i have just popped over to your blog - your work is amazing!! I have started my next WIP!1 have a lovely weekend xx

  10. Hi Lorraine,
    I love your projects and think that you can have as many as you would like! I bounce all over the place with quilting and embroidery and knitting and sewing....xoxo Debbie

    1. Hello Debbie. I'm hoping to start crochet next weekend - how exciting!!! xx

  11. I think 3 is very restrained; I think its fine to have one crochet, one knitting, one sewing and one cross-stitch on the go. My excuse is that it uses different movements in my hands and stops them aching if I swap around .... at least that's what ~i tell myself! Also I think if you are doing a mammoth project having something that will finish quickly is crucial. So keep it up! Maggie x

    1. OOOOh thank you Maggie!! I love your reasoning and will store that one up for when Mr B starts to moan again!! take care xx

  12. Hello and thanks for dropping by my blog!

    I think 3 is a very reasonable amount, I must have at least 7 on the go at the mo!

    My DH is always a tad confused about the "need" for crafting, but as it gives him time to play Call of Duty he doesnt complain and has even been known to fund projects - he even bought me a lovely sewing machine!

    Have a lovely Sunday, Helenxx

    1. Thank you Helen! I have started WIP number 3, a cross stitch from Helen Philips' lovely cross-stitch book.
      I will remind Mr B that my crafting allows him more time on the golf course!

  13. Hello Essie. I hope you are having some lovely weather this weekend - we are having sunshine and showers (but no rainbows yet!) xx

  14. Hi Lorraine, what a pretty blog ... Thanks for following me, am adding you to my list of loveliness too! Xx

    1. Thank you, I look forward to keeping in touch xx

  15. Hi Lorraine, I love having lots of projects to do, some days I work on this, some on that, all depends on where I am and how I'm feeling. Then there are all the ideas buzzing around in my head too - great fun. Have a great week.
    Karen -x-

  16. Hi Lorraine - and thnaks for popping over to mine to say hello. Loved this post - especially the bit about the old school. My primary headteacher used to walk around the hall tapping his cane on the floor for maximum scare. lovely!
    Pleased to meet you
    (you can NEVER have too many projects on the go. I am as far from a 'completer finisher' as you can get!)

  17. Hi Lorraine,
    I don't think you have too many projects on the go you need variety in life don't you! Your book about schoollife sounds interesting, I love discovering stories from the past.

  18. Dear Lorraine,

    I hope you are well and happy and getting the time to indulge in at least one of your projects ;-)

    I am delighted to let you know that Mademoiselle Primavera is up for grabs; I whisked her away just in time from an American lady who, fortunately, opted for another bunny instead.

    Could you please email me( postal address so I can send her off to her new home? Let me know if you prefer paying by cheque or paypal. Either is absolutely fine by me.

    Warmest wishes from blustery France.


  19. Thank you so much for joining my blog - I really like yours too. I am going to lose #4 next year when he goes to uni and I think I really will feel it then! I have numerous projects on the go but have made a huge effort to finish things off this year and am doing pretty well - 2 is nothing at all - definitely time to have another xx

  20. Absolutely you can start another project!

    I can't remember the last time I had less than three projects on the go at the same time! It means you have a very creative mind!

    Fleur xx

  21. Absolutely, you can never have too many projects on the go! I'll worry about you when you reach my current total of 10 knitting and sewing WIPs (or should that be WsIP?)

  22. Hello Lorraine:
    We have found your delightful blog quite by chance after seeing you on Sarah's blog. Your knitting and sewing skills would certainly put ours to shame, the things you show look to be beautifully made with attention given to every small detail.

    Two projects seems very restrained, especially as one surely needs a break from time to time from the same activity. Does Mr B, we wonder, always finish every job he is given to do around the house. If he does then he will certainly be a man in demand in every household throughout the land!!!!!

    We have signed ourselves as followers in order to stay in touch.
